Friday, October 19, 2007

Go Ahead- Play With Your Food

Part of the fun and charm of cookies that are handmade is the fact that each cookie is different. With homemade goodies, you don't get what I sometimes feel are disturbingly uniform cookies- all exactly the same size, shape and texture. Even more frightening is when the cookies have the same number of chocolate chips or nut pieces in them- they might as well be called cookie clones.

We try to make each of the cookies we generally the same size and with the same amount of nuts, but inevitably their shapes and sizes slightly differ. So naturally from time to time, we end up with a couple funny looking ones that never make it to the packaging stage.

Remember how occasionally a person would come on the Tonight Show or Late Show with a potato chip that looked like a celebrity? Well, just the other day we stumbled across a meringue cookie that looked like a snowy egret. With a little imagination, isn't the resemblance uncanny?

Don't worry-we won't be eBaying this cookie for hundreds of dollars anytime soon. But isn't it nice to know that even after you've grown up, you can still play with your food?

Which one is the cookie?

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